Performed successfully on thousands of patients worldwide,
Cryoshape is a breakthrough medical treatment that freezes keloid scars from the inside. Its main tool is the CryoNeedle, a hand-held instrument with a fine probe that administers cryogenic fluid with a temperature of -196°C through the scar. This produces rapid scar freezing and effectively destroys the keloid.
With quick recovery time and a 97% effectiveness rate, this is the first line of treatment to get rid of hypertrophic scars and keloids. However, it is crucial to know how to use the CryoShape to get the best results.
Follow these precautions before use for your safety.
It is crucial that an expert use the Cryoneedle. This tool, in the right hands, will transform your appearance and life.
Although CryoShape is nearly pain-free, it can still be a good idea to make sure you have taken a painkiller ahead of time. The local area is easily anesthetized, allowing the physician to perform the brief procedure without any discomfort to you.
Keloids have long been an issue, for both medical professionals and patients, due to the difficulty involved in their removal. Often treatments to remove are not successful or require long, intensive, and painful treatments. CryoShape, however, offers a treatment solution that is painless, fast, and effective at removing keloids and stubborn scars.
The Cryoneedle’s uniqueness lies in its moderate freezing and thawing rates which allow for longer application and treatment on the skin, meaning safer and more effective treatment than that provided by fast freezing methods or equipment. This means that there is minimal wound and aftercare.
However, it is crucial to follow these post-treatment instructions for the best results:
Wash your scar 2x a day and up to 4 weeks after treatment. This ensures that you keep the area clean, which is essential to a smooth recovery.
This will help you reduce possible pain and continue with your life as usual.
Is it also important that you know that a blister will develop within a few hours after the treatment and will drain spontaneously for a few days. Don’t be alarmed - this indicates a successful freezing process. After that, a dry crust will appear and then fall off. The treated scar will eventually heal and become flat with no clinical symptoms, such as itchiness, pain, or discomfort.
Once the scar is fully healed, you should apply sunscreen for 6 months. This helps protect the sensitive area.
For more help using the Cryoneedle (including a helpful video tutorial):
Chaban Medical, as a leading Israeli medical device company, is committed to the development and manufacturing of products that enhance the quality of care for patients the world over.
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