Neuromotion therapy targets patients who have experienced, or are suffering from, neurological issues that have had an impact on their mobility. Stroke patients are just one group that is benefiting from advancements in neuromotion therapy technology and care.
In order to better explain how
neuromotion therapy benefits patients we are taking a look at an example of an assistive walking device that uses neuromotion technology to provide quality in-home rehabilitative care for patients who are in need of assistance to regain their mobility following a neurological condition.
The Just Walk neuromotion therapy developed by
Salute and
Chaban Medical, a leading
medical device production Israel company uses an adjustable linear resistive force, created as the leg makes a full swing in movement. This linear force works to increase proprioceptive feedback to both the spinach cord and the brain. This in turn means that the muscles of the leg are receiving improved signals which allows them to improve their movement. This is in essence how the therapy works.
The advantage of many forms of neuromotion therapies is that they are user friendly, and can be used, for many patients, from the comfort of their own home. This also allows for more regular, individual care that really targets the rehabilitative needs of the recovering patient.
Advancements in neuromotion therapy are driving the development of devices that are able to improve the rehabilitative care patients of neurological conditions are receiving.
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