Manufacturing any product is its own challenge, but this is all the more true with medical devices. It is crucial to get it right - after all, lives are at stake. As one of the leading medical device companies in Israel, we always keep this in mind. With over 20 years of experience under our belts, we know how important it is to get it right at every stage.
There are many steps to develop your medical device, from the very conception of the idea to the final product. Once we have helped you work out what you want your product to be, have all your ideas in place, and have gotten all the necessary investments to start operation, we then move onto our product development lifecycle.
Let’s get right into the 6 stages of our product development lifecycle:
This is your chance to lay it all out there. What are your goals for your product and for your business? What technology does your product require? What will it take to make this happen? And what are the ideal solutions for all parties involved?
We create a blueprint for the development of your product, making sure we are all on the same page. This is crucial for the success of your medical device.
Money always needs to be reckoned with when it comes to developing a solid plan for the future of your business. How can we reduce risks? How can we consider the needs of all stakeholders? What will make the most financial sense? What are the challenges we’re facing?
Developing a comprehensive manufacturing strategy with a healthy dose of risk management is an important part of this stage.
You need a great design to market your product properly. This includes electronic packaging, redesign, and upgrades - adjusting the product for efficient mass production, reducing production costs and defects and/or malfunctions. We ensure that the design output matches the specified design input and that every decision is verified and validated.
Design controls are critical to ensure that your medical device is on track to meet strict manufacturing regulations. Making sure your device meets all criteria, from internal/customer requirements to applicable statutory requirements, is what we cover here. Together, we will specify how we want to manufacture and test your medical device with verification plans, protocols, and tools made in accordance with a customized risk management plan.
It's time to prove that your medical device meets product regulations with verification by executing the plan we discussed in the previous stage. When we are done with this process, you will have design evidence traced back to user needs.
After that, you need to demonstrate that your device is ready to be introduced to the market. That's where validation comes in. Validation confirms that your medical device meets user needs so that you are approved to market the device.
Design for Manufacturing is the stage in which we design your medical device to be as efficient as possible. It is easier and less expensive to make changes at this stage. Some general principles of DFM include standardizing parts, simplifying your design, and reducing the time it will take to set up your product.
We adjust the files for complete compatibility with mass-production technologies like plastic injection, machining while streamlining the assembly, and the maintenance process.
While speed and cost-savings are vital to the success of our manufacturing process, we put the most emphasis on quality control. Quality is of the utmost importance, especially in today’s age; the medical device market demands are shifting toward a more value-driven landscape.
This is it - your product is completely ready for mass production! It’s time to watch your medical device shine in the real world - and we will be right there when it does. At this stage, we will support you in all your needs as a turnkey supplier, starting from receiving the order, purchasing and shipping all raw materials to Chaban. We will then perform the incoming inspection and store all materials, then assemble the products and perform the QA & QC and finally pack the goods and ship to the customers worldwide. This is all performed in accordance with the strict requirements of ISO13485:2016.
Manufacturing your medical device is a complex process, but it is a process that is essential in ensuring that patients receive safe and effective treatments. By understanding each of the six stages, you can be sure that your medical devices are being made with the utmost care. At Chaban Medical, we have a customizable and comprehensive development strategy for medical devices, making it easy for you to create the exact product you want. Learn all about our
medical device accelerator and discover more on the
medical device product lifecycle Israel.
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