Chaban Medical: assisting the Israeli Ministry of Health during Covid-19
In March 2020, Chaban Medical received an order from the Israeli Ministry of Health for a number of oxygen concentrators, the Oxytec 5s, for delivery to hospitals and medical centers treating Covid-19 patients.
This order posed a number of challenges for the medical device company as the number of oxygen concentrators ordered was double the amount of concentrators Chaban Medical had produced in the last 5 years. The order also came with a fast delivery time- just 3 months from ordering to delivery.
In order to meet this demand Chaban Medical had to multiply production lines, develop new test equipment and employ and train new employees both in Israel and in China. These would have been difficult enough challenges in normal times, but the challenges were aggravated by the logistical and related issues as a result of Covid-19.
However, in rising to the challenge, Chaban Medical employed the use of phone and video training to improve production efficiency and production output. It also deployed new technology to develop a more efficient production line that made it faster as well. This meant that the orders were delivered to the Israeli Ministry of Health with no delays.
Chaban Medical was proud to be able to provide critical equipment to help in the care of covid-19 patients in Israel. Being part of a public national health response has been a tremendous achievement for Chaban Medical, its technology and its medical device production capabilities.
2020 has been a challenging year globally. It has bought up new challenges that no one could have anticipated. It is a year that has challenged the medical profession and industry, like no other. Being able to adapt technology, medical devices and production to meet these challenges has driven Chaban Medical this year.
To understand more about Chaban's efforts to protect frontline medical workers, read here.
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